

excusing翻译(i have been disappointed in love什么意思 i have been disappointed in love什么意思)

admin admin 发表于2023-07-08 15:33:53 浏览22 评论0



i have been disappointed in love什么意思 i have been disappointed in love什么意思

球完成这一个弯,我希望我可以忘记您。 You是我的最爱恋的人,但是您为我们离开,但是的痛苦这有所有在一生忘记了,不用末端。那些与我们美好的誓言,但是多变衰弱现在关连。在明天天afer今天1年,我们成为了最很好知道那的陌生人,但是。这样重的美好的雨在心脏瞬息之间立即下落了。 而且我的问候在梦想追悼,我希望的嘴唇能亲吻您, I一爱您。 与呜咽的Sound阻气 无法的suddenly tell意图也撕毁 the聚集体丢失 徒步去的shouting 附寄的firmly里面 track能力视行 already说服我 沿您的stay无法 保持远离慢慢地的to 被淹没的already within决赛 The心脏已经是 散开的lacerated 在空气之内的flying有 no方式叫 从未再次有的 您感觉象的let flower已经凋枯 happy您粤Lai粤 are被骗取在外面 self好的缺点酒吧 before自已的眼睛 by您更加遥远 以后one点 excusing我疯狂 the心脏 tenaciousness为没有 看的turning at我是 对部分的reluctant从 being我赛跑的事假 bar I也许让您选择a 怯懦little的位 在逃脱的succeeding being不错可能喜欢 forgotting那的this possessions起因 对根本的suffering points路线宁可会 在极度痛苦的accept与 memory慢慢地如此减慢 忘记秋天的 Please结束看 现在讲话after的自已 sorry一次有 sweet要求的生活末端 以前me为什么对要 也离开的going有 lost您的天能 to持续存在下来 neither您知道I already不可能让步 从现在起去有没有 将被检索的way 临近collapsing您 the能量是,但是相当 unhurried为什么面对 may是的地方我为什么必须 对您的not事假 Jessica


1.认识到节约能源的重要性是一回事,但在生活的方方面面付诸实施又是另一回事。(it’s one thing to...,it’s another to...) It is one thing to konw the importance of saving energy, but it is another thing to put it into action.2.销售经理认为,如果销路不好,新产品就不能算好。(..clever’s not clever if...) The sales manager holds that clever’s not clever if the new product is not well sold out.3.他不停的编着各种借口来解释为何没能完成任务,好像一千个谎言加起来就可以等于实情。(as if...would add up to...) He never stops excusing himself for failing to finish the job as if one thousand lies would add up to the fact.4.这项调查发现,人们逛商场的时间越长,就越不能控制自己的购物欲望。(..the longer...the less...) It is unveiled in the survey that the longer people stay in the supermarket, the less they can control their shopping will.5.我相信像她这样勤奋的人肯定会很快的克服她在英语学习方面的困难。(...someone as...as...)I am sure he would survive difficulties in learning English like someone as deligent as he is.


excuse的读音是:英。excuse的读音是:英。excuse的词语用法是v.(动词)excuse的基本意思是“原谅”“宽恕”,常指原谅一个人的轻微过失或疏忽,主语通常是人。引申可表示“免除”“为…辩解”等。excuse形容词:excusable;副词:excusably;名词:excusableness;过去式:excused;过去分词:excused;现在分词:excusing;第三人称单数:excuses。一、详尽释义点此查看excuse的详细内容n.(名词)理由,借口,解释,托辞,籍口辩解原谅,饶恕歉意,道歉请假条拙劣样品,蹩脚货可原谅的事情,情有可原的因素,证明为正当的因素解除,赦免,免去v.(动词)原谅,请原谅,宽恕,宽容 ,饶恕对不起,很抱歉(使)免除,宽免辩解,试图开脱成为…的理由为...辩解表白推辞允许准许…离去,让…走开劳驾借光同意免除,同意免做请求准予离开二、双解释义v.(动词)vt. 原谅,宽恕 forgive; overlookvt. 免除 free sb from a dutyvt. 为…辩解 make bad behaviour seem less bad or harmlessn.(名词)理由,借口,辩解 reason given to explain or defend one’s behaviour歉意,道歉 apology三、词典解释The noun is pronounced /?k’skju?s/. The verb is pronounced /?k’skju?z/. 名词读作 /?k’skju?s/。动词读作 /?k’skju?z/。1.借口;理由;辩解Anexcuse is a reason which you give in order to explain why something has been done or has not been done, or in order to avoid doing something.e.g. It is easy to find excuses for his indecisiveness...为他的犹豫不决寻找借口是很容易的。e.g. Once I had had a baby I had the perfectexcuse to stay at home...一旦有了宝宝,我就完全有理由呆在家里了。2.(尤指别人不赞同时)为…辩解,为…寻找理由Toexcuse someone orexcuse their behaviour means to provide reasons for their actions, especially when other people disapprove of these actions.excuse什么意思e.g. He excused himself by saying he was ’forced to rob to maintain my wife and cat’...他辩解说自己是“为了供养妻子和猫儿被迫去抢劫的”。e.g. That doesn’texcuse my mother’s behaviour.那并不能为我母亲的行为辩解。3.原谅;宽恕If youexcuse someonefor something wrong that they have done, you forgive them for it.e.g. Many people might have excused them for shirking some of their responsibilities.很多人可能已经原谅了他们逃避责任的行为。4.使免除(责任、义务等)If someoneis excused from a duty or responsibility, they are told that they do not have to carry it out.e.g. She is usually excused from her duties during the school holidays...在学校放假期间,她通常不必担负职责。e.g. She was excused duties on Saturday.星期六她不用工作。5.准许…离开;让…离开If youexcuse yourself, you use a phrase such as ’Excuse me’ as a polite way of saying that you are about to leave.excuse的翻译e.g. He excused himself and went up to his room.他告辞后回到他楼上的房间。6.对不起,劳驾,打扰一下(用于礼貌地引起注意,尤其是要提问时)You say ’Excuse me’ when you want to politely get someone’s attention, especially when you are about to ask them a question.excuse什么意思e.g. Excuse me, but are you Mr Honig?请问,您是霍尼格先生吗?7.对不起,抱歉(用于因打扰或打断对方而道歉)You useexcuse me to apologize to someone when you have disturbed or interrupted them.e.g. Excuse me interrupting, but there’s a thing I feel I’ve got to say.抱歉打断一下,我觉得有件事我得说。8.对不起,抱歉(用于礼貌地表示要离开或者停止和对方交谈)You useexcuse me or a phrase such asif you’ll excuse me as a polite way of indicating that you are about to leave or that you are about to stop talking to someone.e.g. ’Excuse me,’ she said to Jarvis, and left the room...“抱歉出去一下,”她对贾维斯说,然后离开了房间。e.g. Now if you’llexcuse me, I’ve got work to do.对不起,这会儿我有工作要做。9.对不起,抱歉(用于表示反对)You useexcuse me, but to indicate that you are about to disagree with someone.e.g. Excuse me, but I want to know what all this has to do with us.抱歉,我想知道所有这些和我们有什么关系。10.对不起,抱歉,借过(用于因为撞到某人或者在人群中挤过时表示道歉)You sayexcuse me to apologize when you have bumped into someone, or when you need to move past someone in a crowd.e.g. Sayingexcuse me, pardon me, Seaton pushed his way into the crowded living room.西顿一边说对不起、借过,一边挤过人群进入拥挤的客厅。11.抱歉,对不起(用于为打嗝、打喷嚏等失礼行为道歉)You sayexcuse me to apologize when you have done something slightly embarrassing or impolite, such as burping, hiccupping, or sneezing.12.对不起,请再说一遍You say ’Excuse me?’ to show that you want someone to repeat what they have just said.in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 pardon, sorry四、例句Excuse me, but I must say you are completely wrong.对不起,但是我必须说你完全错了。I hope you will excuse me if I have to leave early.如果我必须早些离开,希望你能原谅我。He told a real whopper to excuse his lateness.他撒了个大谎为自己的迟到辩解。His excuse for being late was that he had missed the train.他迟到的理由是没有赶上火车。Such conduct allows of no excuse.这样的行为是不容辩解的。My lame excuse is that I have too much to do.我那站不住脚的借口就是我要干的事太多了。I won’t let him get away with that excuse.我不会让他用那种借口蒙混过去。五、词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词excuse oneself为自己辩解,请求离开excuse such a selfish act原谅如此自私的行为~+副词excuse graciously仁慈地宽恕excuse pleasantly高兴地原谅excuse quietly秘密地免除excuse really真正地原谅excuse reasonably有理由地原谅excuse speciously貌似有理地原谅~+介词excuse as因…而免除excuse for为…辩解,成为…的理由excuse from免除…用作名词 (n.)动词+~accept an excuse接受道歉admit of no excuse不容辩解cook up an excuse捏造一个借口,找个借口demand an excuse要求道歉find an excuse找到借口give an excuse道歉have excuses有借口make an excuse想出一个借口,编一套理由offer an excuse主动表示歉意think up an excuse想出一个借口形容词+~brilliant excuse明智的理由good excuse可接受的辩解poor excuse无力的辩解various excuses各种借口weak excuse站不住脚的借口介词+~in excuse of为…辩解,作为…的解释under excuse在借口下without excuse没有借口,无故~+介词an excuse for成为…的理由an excuse for some fault对某种过失请求原谅六、经典引文The old woman gave me a note of excuse.出自:LyttonI should rather excuse myself, then censure others.出自:I. WaltonShe excused..having made him wait.出自:E. Haywood七、词语用法v.(动词)excuse的基本意思是“原谅”“宽恕”,常指原谅一个人的轻微过失或疏忽,主语通常是人。引申可表示“免除”“为…辩解”等。excuse一般用作及物动词,可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,但不接动词不定式或从句。excuse作“原谅”“宽恕”解时,其宾语后常接介词for表示所原谅的事; 作“免除”解时,可接双宾语,也可与介词from搭配使用; 作“为…辩解”解时,常接反身代词表示“为自己辩解”或“说声对不起”。excuse作“原谅”“免除”解时,可用于被动结构。作“为…辩解”解时不用于被动结构。作“原谅”解以名词或代词作宾语时,可用于被动结构(须以人作主语); 以动名词作宾语时,则不用于被动结构。Excuse me的意思是“对不起”“请原谅〔宽恕〕”,是口语中常用的客套话,可表示对过失或失礼的歉意,也可作为请求对方允许、问事的礼貌用语,还可用以表示婉言谢绝、客气纠正等,常与连词but或情态动词will, would等连用。在美式英语中,Excuse me还可表示“提请对方重复说过的话”,而英式英语中在这种场合下常用I beg your pardon?或Pardon?来表示。n.(名词)excuse用作名词的基本意思是“理由”,常指为自己做了不该做的事或说了不该说的话而寻找“借口”,常译为“托词”。excuse既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。常用“for sth/ v -ing”作其后置定语,时有也用动词不定式作其定语。excuse有时还可作“歉意,道歉”解,一般用复数形式。excuse的相关近义词forgive、pardon、cause、grounds、plea、pretence、reasonexcuse的相关反义词blame、condemn、discipline、punishexcuse的相关临近词EXE、excursion、excuse as、excuse us、excuse me、excuse for、excuseless、excuse from、excused for、Excuse me.、excused from、excuse myself点此查看更多关于excuse的详细信息


没有这个单词,根据拼下来看,考虑应是:excuseexcuse 英 vt. 原谅; 为…申辩; 免除,宽免; 给…免去; n. 辩解; 借口,托辞; 道歉,歉意; 请假条; vi. 作为借口; 请示宽恕; 表示宽恕; It is easy to find excuses for his indecisiveness为他的犹豫不决寻找借口是很容易的。 第三人称单数:excuses 复数:excuses 现在分词:excusing过去式:excused 过去分词:excused


1. “借口” 英文怎么说








词汇难度:高考 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / TOEFL

第三人称单数: excuses 复数: excuses 现在分词: excusing 过去式: excused 过去分词: excused

2. 文言文翻译


都督惊叹“天才啊!”,于是请王勃写完,皆大欢喜 。



excuse me翻译中文是什么


英 [ɪk'skju:s]


n 借口;理由;拙劣样品;假条

v 原谅;为……申辩;准许……离开;给……免去;作为借口;请求宽恕

[ 过去式 excused 过去分词 excused 现在分词 excusing 复数 excuses 第三人称单数 excuses ]


excuse oneself from借口推托 ; 婉言拒绝 ; 婉拒 ; 捏词推托



v (动词)


2、excuse作“原谅”“宽恕”解时,其宾语后常接介词for表示所原谅的事; 作“免除”解时,可接双宾语,也可与介词from搭配使用; 作“为…辩解”解时,常接反身代词表示“为自己辩解”或“说声对不起”。


Would you mind taking a photo with me?



vt. 原谅,为…申辩,免除,宽免,给…免去。

n. 辩解,借口,托辞,道歉,歉意,请假条。

例句:It is easy to find excuses for his indecisiveness







1、n. 礼貌;好意;恩惠。

2、adj. 殷勤的;被承认的;出于礼节的。

courtesy lamp踏步灯 。

courtesy card优待卷。

courtesy pledge文明宣言。

Courtesy Seat老弱病残专席。

she did not offer him the usual courtesies given to a guest. 她没有以对待客人的礼貌对待他。

She drills her kids on good manners. 她教导她的孩子要有礼貌。

The store owner treated his customers churlishly. 店主对他的顾客很没有礼貌。

He behaves insultingly toward his parents. 他对自己的父母很没有礼貌。

The new librarian is very polite. 新来的图书管理员很有礼貌。