
black hawk 1200

black hawk(black hawk886音响12v,1200w,如何接220v电压)

admin admin 发表于2024-04-28 22:13:34 浏览1 评论0


各位老铁们好,相信很多人对black hawk都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于black hawk以及black hawk886音响12v,1200w,如何接220v电压的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


black hawk886音响12v,1200w,如何接220v电压


黑鹰坠落 英文剧情

  影片根据真实史实改编而成,还原了1993年索马里战事,此事是克林顿在美国总统任期外交史上最挫败的一次,是继越战之后最惨重的火拼。  1993年,一组受过专业训练近百人的美军突击队,在非洲执行一项人道救援任务时,因误判情报,两架黑鹰直升机被敌军击落迫降至索马里,秘密任务衍生成战争事件。  数量不到百人的美军突击队必须对抗5000名以上索马里暴民的猛烈攻击,在双方人数和火力相差50倍的紧张情势下,两方展开一场无可避免的战役。双方激战十五小时,堆积如山的弹壳洒落在索马里首都摩加迪休的战场上,战况相当惨烈。  美军增员前往救援,并坚持“无论生死,所有弟兄都要回来,决不放弃任何一个同袍”。  The film is based on a true historical adaptation, reduction of the Somali war in 1993, this is the Clinton in the United States presidential term diplomatic history the most frustrated once, is the second most heavy fighting after the Vietnam war.  In 1993, a group of highly trained hundreds of American commandos, performed in Africa a humanitarian mission, due to false information, two Black Hawk helicopter is shot down back to Somalia, secret mission derivative into war.  Number less than a hundred American commandos have to fight against more than 5000 Somali mob attacks, in both numbers and firepower with a difference of 50 times the tense situation, the two party launched an unavoidable battle. The two sides battle for fifteen hours, pile up like a mountain hand cartridge in the Somali capital Mogadishu on the battlefield, it quite miserable.  The recruitment to the rescue, and adhere to the " regardless of life and death, all brothers are coming back, never give up any one of those"

OK,关于black hawk和black hawk886音响12v,1200w,如何接220v电压的内容到此结束了,希望对大家有所帮助。