


admin admin 发表于2023-07-03 20:57:21 浏览13 评论0




disadvantages读音:英 n. 不利,劣势,短处; 损失;




n. 蛋糕;块状物

I often bake chocolate cake by myself.





n. 小面包;圆发髻

n. 《俚》酒醉

There are some currants in this bun.


keeping pets怎么读

keeping pets的读音有两种,分别是:英  。意思是养宠物; 饲养宠物。


1.Keeping pets is not easy because you have to take good care of them. 养宠物不是很容易的,因为你必须要好好照顾它们。There are many advantages in keeping pets. 养宠物有很多的优点。

2.For the lonely people, keeping pets is a way to get out of it. 对孤独的人来说,养宠物是一种解脱办法。But with all that in mind, I still say let’s stop keeping pets. 但尽管心里明白所有这些理由,我依然要说让我们停止养宠物吧。

3.As for me, keeping pets in the dormitory has many disadvantages. 对于我来说,在宿舍里养宠物。My own point of view is that we should had the hobby of keeping pets. 我的观点是我们应该有养宠物的爱好。

4.owever, for a few people, keeping pets is an ostentatious display of their wealth. 然而,对某些人而言,豢养宠物只是炫耀财富的一种手段。

5.By contrast, those who are against keeping pets believe pets can not only pollute the human environment but also threaten people’s health. 相反,那些反对养宠物的人相信宠物不仅污染人类的环境而且还威胁人类的健康。

bus,train,ship,airplane advabtages and disadvantages

bus,train,ship,airplane advabtages and disadvantages

With the invention of the automobile the age of transportation shifted into another gear. Quickly it became possible for people to travel more fortably and conveniently to destinations near and far, and the figurative world moved closer together. Trucks carried cargo across countries and soon became serious petition for trains and ships. As a result, food and other consumer goods have bee available even in remote areas, overall living standards have improved, and the automobile industry, which has grown fantastically over the course of the past century, employs millions of workers worldwide.

以bus,train,ship , airplane,的优缺点为题 ,写一篇英语作文!

The advabtages and disadvantages of Bus,train,ship and airplane With the invention of the automobile the age of transportation shifted into another gear. Quickly it became possible for people to travel more fortably and conveniently to destinations near and far, and the figurative world moved closer together. Bus,train,ship and airplane carried cargo across countries and soon became serious petition for trains and ships. As a result, food and other consumer goods have bee available even in remote areas, overall living standards have improved, and the automobile industry, which has grown fantastically over the course of the past century, employs millions of workers worldwide. 注意采纳~谢谢

be in/on a ship/plane/bus/train

be on a ship be on a plane be on a bus be on a train

It takes more time to go there by ship than by bus.It’s ______by train of the three.(选择)

B~~因为of the three~~在一定的范围之内了啊~~~

you need to buy it if you want to travel by train,bus,tram or airplane是什么意思

you need to buy it if you want to travel by train,bus,tram or airplane 你需要买它,如果你想乘火车,公共汽车,电车或飞机 you need to buy it if you want to travel by train,bus,tram or airplane 你需要买它,如果你想乘火车,公共汽车,电车或飞机

AN airplane is faster ( ) a train

than 比 用于比较级,飞机和火车比较

the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by train


是in the bus ,in the train还是on the bus ,on the train?

习惯的说法是on the bus。 习惯不是完全有道理的,但可能也不是全无道理。如果你在乘公交车时有人给你打电话,你应该也是说“我现在在车上”,而不是“我现在在车里”吧?英文完全一样:I’m on the bus.而不是I’m in the bus. 究其原因,我们说这话时,重要的不是说清我们的空间位置(从空间位置说我们确实是in the bus),而是要说清我们是搭乘在一个交通工具上。 照理说,说到自己的包的时候,关注的重点确实是它的位置。但受习惯的影响,还是说成on the bus了。别人也不会理解成你是把它放在巴士的顶上了。 准确来说on the train是固定搭配,表示人“坐火车”的意思 如I am on the train now. 我正在坐火车 in the train是在火车上,I am in the train不一定是坐火车,比如我是警察,上去火车上做贼,贼完贼就下来了。我同事问我你现在在哪,我可以回答i am in the train (for catching the thief), 我在车上将要抓贼 还有my bag is still in the train。表示我的包包还留在火车上。

by plane by ship on foot by bike by bus by train by subway 怎么读 用汉语好了 快 明天要用!

我试试看:摆普雷恩 摆事一普 啊恩 福特 白百科 白吹诶恩 白 萨博魏

What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking bus to work?

advantages : it really does good to our environment it shorten the distance beeen people and people it saves money disadvantages:it costs a lot of time especially when we are caught in a traffic jam bus are always crowded




1. But with more than two million grey squirrels in the UK and just 150000 native reds, they could do with any advantage that evolution has given them.


2. She was at great pains to stress the advantages of the new system.


3. The advantages of this system are too numerous to mention.


4. Each of these systems has its advantages and disadvantages.


5. It would be to your advantage to attend this meeting.


6. One great advantage of this metal is that it doesn’t rust.



advantages的读音是:英 。


n. 有利条件;优势;处于支配地位;益处;利益;(advantage的复数)

vt. 有利于;有益于;促进;使处于有利地位;(advantage的第三人称单数)

vi. 获利;得益


1、A quick recap of the idea and its main advantages.


2、There are certain advantages that may flow from that decision.


3、The advantages preponderate over this apparent disadvantage.


4、The advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages.


5、The advantages and disadvantages cancel each other out. / The pros and cons cancel out.
